
Senin, 05 Januari 2009

Jas For Fan!

gw liat bginian di "wuzzy wuzzes" punya si Dana (krn orang ini gw punya Blog, hehehe)
The Rules:The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.

The age of my next birthday17 taon..... lha, apa hubungannya sama majalah yg gw sembunyiin di bawah kasur?! eh, maksud gw majalah buat cewe2 luar negri!!! (srsly, gw bru tw ada majalah beginian!!! gw cowo tulen bukan banci salon!!!!)

a place i'd like to travelmatahari.... eh, itu bendera jepang tolol!

a favorite placerumah manis rumah, bhs inggrisnya hom swit hom

a favorite foodSuShI!!!! orang yg dibelakang jga enak kliatannya....

a favorite thingmy precious NDS, and my ear's BFF, Ipod

favorite color (s)BLACKhole

a city i was born & a city that i have ever lived inHome of Jalak Bali... Bali bukan Timor

a nickname i hadBrainless... isn't it obvious?!

college majorWhat is the meaning of the maksud? gw lum kuliah

name of my lovei love me!!!..... lho! siapa yg naruh majalah cewe di scannerku?!

a bad habita really heavy sleeper, bayangkan, klo liburan bisa tidur 15 jam per hari, BAYANGKAN!!!!!

a hobbydaydreaming alias bengong

whistlistduitnya Om Bill Gates

Saiia Tag orang yg urup depannya


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